Side A
- I Swear, I Really Wanted To Make A "Rap" Album But This Is Literally The Way The Wind Blew Me This Time
Side B
- The Slang Word P(*)ssy Rolls Off The Tongue With Far Better Ease Than The Proper Word Vagina . Do You Agree?
Side C
- That Night In Hawaii When I Turned Into A Panther And Started Making These Low Register Purring Tones That I Couldn't Control ... Sh¥t Was Wild
Side D
- BuyPoloDisorder's Daughter Wears A 3000™ Button Down Embroidered
- Ninety Three 'Til Infinity And Beyoncé
Side E
- Ghandi, Dalai Lama, Your Lord & Savior J.C. / Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, And John Wayne Gacy
- Ants To You, Gods To Who ?
Side F
- Dreams Once Buried Beneath The Dungeon Floor Slowly Sprout Into Undying Gardens
Albumul de debut solo al rapperului și acum flautistului este un devotament de 87 de minute pentru new age, jazz ambiental și descoperire spirituală. Este frumos, solicitant și se numără printre cele mai fascinante viraje la stânga artistice din istoria recentă. André 3000 nu a fost niciodată un geniu solitar.